



興奮・ヤッター! 福島高専 第7回中学生スピーチコンテスト

 7月30日(土)福島高専にて、スピーチコンテストが開催されました。本校からは、2年生の福島俊也君が出場しました。出番が、1番目で、緊張を伴う順番ではありましたが、その困難にも打ち勝って、すばらしい発表をしました。題名は「Be Hopehul」。結果は、3年生には及びませんでしたが、来年のリベンジを誓っていました。



Be Hopeful

Kusano J.H.S.  Fukushima Syunya


    You call me a loser,

You call me a fool,

                          I’m so scared,

                          Why do you always hurt me?

Do you like rap music? I love this song Hopeful, by two British boys named Leo and Charlie. One of them, Leo, was kicked and punched by other boys. He was bullied in his everyday life. He suffered insults and even had his money taken away from him.

 When I listened to it for the first time, I was very impressed. “What brave boys they are!” I thought. I cried, because it reminded me of when I myself was bullied.

 When I was in the sixth grade, my classmates said, “You are gross! Go away!” or “Poor you! What a strange voice you have!” They treated me like a fool only because I had a low voice. “Don’t make a fool of me!” I screamed in my mind.

But one day, when I was watching TV, Leo and Charlie inspired me.

In the song Hopeful, they called for the pain and sorrow to stop the insults and stood against bullying. They tried to show us the importance of having hope by dancing and singing powerfully with their own words. “Leo is just the same as me.” Tears came into my eyes.

I understand that bullying is a serious problem, not only in Japan, but also in the whole world. Some people commit suicide. I am sad whenever I hear about it.

I know it is difficult for us to get rid of all bullying in the world, but I believe that there must be something we can do about it.

Let’s share the pain and sorrow of your friends. If they are lonely, let’s tell them, “You’re not alone. I’m with you.” We can save someone like Leo and Charlie saved me. I always sing the song at school, at home, to my friends, and to my family. I really want them to listen to it.

Let me end with my favorite lines in the song:


Just be hopeful,

                          Take this music and use it,

                          Let it take you away,

                          And be hopeful, hopeful.

                          And he’ll make a way








