
学校紹介の英作文 ~ウェブサイト掲載を想定して~(1年 英語)

 1年生の英語の教科書には、実際に英語を使ってコミュニケーション活動を促すことを目的とした「Daily Scene」と呼ばれるコーナーが設けられています。

 今回、「Daily Scene4 ウェブサイト」の学習を行いました。



~Welcome to Tira 2nd Junior High School~

Our school is in Iwaki City,Fukushima. It's surrounded by nature. Our school has many clubs. We have good records. We have many certificate of merits and exhibitions. We are enjoying school life every day. So, we love our school very much.(ROさん)

Our shool is in Iwaki City,Japan. It's 73 years old. We have kincha color in girll's school uniform. It is very cute! We go to school every morning in this uniform. Our school life is fun!(KWさん)

Our school is in Iwaki City, Japan. Our school song has nice words, "Akaidake, Natsui river, and Shin-Zen-Bi ". Shin-Zen-Bi is our school motto. The song writer is Shinpei Kusano. This song is great. Our Principal is Atsushi Tamazwa. He is smart and kind. We are proud of our school.(NSさん)

Taira 2nd JHS addres is Misono Kamata Taira Iwaki City. Taira 2nd JHS etudent is lively but interesting. Taira 2nd JHS has Ajisai movement. So we have good manners. We like this school.(SS君)

Our school is in Iwaki City Japan. It's 73 years old. We have about 320 students and 28 teachers. Our school color is gold brown. Our school is in a high place. So we go up a hill and go to school. It is very hard. Our school is very good.(KS君)